Fahr Theoretische Prüfung VN

by Kim Mitchell UK

Books & Reference

27.99 usd

acknowledgmentsDriving Theoretical Exam VN app for Vietnamese includes all the latest revisionquestions and answersContains everything you need to get ready and make sure you will pass your test onthe first try. Revise all the materials and prepare yourself to pass your Driving TheoryTest successfully, this app will help you develop your skills and understand what ittakes to learn to drive, and ultimately go on to pass your driving test.Features:- Multiple languages: German, English and Vietnamese, easy to follow and remember.- Sit mock theory tests with interactive case study questions, just like in the real test.- Flexible to choose which Theory Test category you want to learn from.- Review section, help you see where you went wrong and how to improve for nexttime round.- The app allows you to flag and save all the questions that you want- The app does not require an internet connection once downloaded so you can reviseanytime.- Turn ON/OFF languagesMain content:raw material1.1 Danger Doctrine1.2 Conduct on the road1.3 Right of Way/Priority1.4 Traffic Signs1.5 Environmental Protection1.7 Technology (driving operation, driving physics, driving technique)1.8 Suitability and Qualification of Motor Vehiclesadditive2.1 Danger Doctrine2.2 Conduct on the road2.4. traffic sign2.5 Environmental Protection2.6 Regulations on the operation of the vehicles2.7 Technology2.8. Suitability and qualification of motor vehiclesSuitable for:+ Car driving license: class BUK Support: If you experience any issues while downloading this app, please contactus at [email protected]